It will look a little messy but don't worry, we're used to it. When I do the ctrl, shift, a thing- I got this menu of choices- nothing about add ons Im so sorry. Thanks all for trying to help.
Finally found the "extensions" option. Clicked on it and over to the right a box came up that said, "you don't have any add-ons of this type installed". On your Downloads list, could you click the "folder" icon on the right end to open the Downloads folder with that file selected. When you get to the list, does the file have an icon that seems appropriate for that type of file? If these files have gotten associated with another program that doesn't know how to decode them, that might be the problem.
Thanks for hanging in there!!! I'm afraid that isn't the problem. I feel like I must have have done something by mistake that has made everything turn to hieroglyphics!!! Hmm, not the label so much as the associated program. If you open a PDF, what program does it open in? That's usually indicated on the title bar. So, the images I saved- when I opened them, are opening in word pad. Do you want to download images in bulk from websites to make slideshows or presentations?
It will be a daunting task to download individual images as it takes a lot of time to search for the right images and download them. But fortunately, you are in the right place to get rid of that trouble. As there are many bulk image downloaders available on the market.
Some of them are paid, while others are free. Read on! Bulk Image Downloader is one of the best batch image downloader tools. The app is good for downloading large galleries from any website.
For example, you can use it to bulk download twitter images and download image galleries from Pinterest, Flicker and more. It has a unique feature of downloading large images from different websites while avoiding thumbnails and small GIFs. The most interesting feature of this tool is the image previewer. This image downloader supports sequential URLs and is compatible with popular web browsers like Chrome and Firefox, so you can also add a browser extension to download images within just a click.
We have chosen Site Sucker for a wide range of reasons. First, it allows you to download images in bulk. The App folder is protected by the system and it is not permited by add or change files there. See the options there: activate the View tab, click the dropdown arrow in Options and click "Change folder and Search options", uncheck the option "Always show icons, never thumbnails".
Go to Google and search for e. You can also redirect the INI file to another folder see another question below ; also possible during the installation. A: There is a Windows Explorer "feature": Hide file extensions for known file types. Please deactivate this default and useless Explorer option to show files with their real names and extensions!
Download again, try another mirror or location. You can: 1. Note: the ZIP version of IrfanView is always available on the website link Other download sites at the bottom of the page. A: Somebody, not IrfanView, set the program properties to "Run as administrator". Actually, no option should be selected in the Compatibility tab for IrfanView. Note: in the Save dialog, see JPG format save options. The option "Save as grayscale" must not be active.
Q: Why are some edit menus or the red eye menu greyed out? A: Many edit options or red eye reduction works on selections only. Create first a selection outline rectangle in the image using the left mouse button.
This sort option needs to read the file header of all list files and this can be slow. A: Open an image a select the desired area e. Now you can call some effects, they will be applied on the selected rectangle only. A: You can scroll an image only if there are visible scrollbars. A: The View menu option like "Fit images to desktop" is activated or a similar view option , please uncheck and try another display option, e.
Q: How can I create selection with exact size or ratio? Q: How to prevent large images display from covering the screen? Then you move and resize the window as you wish using left mouse button. Q: How to print only a part of an image? A: Use left mouse button to select the desired part in the image, then use the Print menu. Q: How to print many files batch print? Q: How to print many images on one page?
A: In the Thumbnails window, use the menu "Create contact sheet from selected thumbs". The result image s can be printed or saved. You will get best results if you have such balloon images saved as transparent PNGs. Q: How can I prepare my photos format etc.
A: Most photo printing services use formats or 10x15 cm or 4x6 inches for photos. If your images e. The steps: 1. For landscape images use , for portrait images use See the selection rectangle. If you want to move it, use either mouse right mouse button click inside of the selection or arrow keys on keyboard. Use the new file for printing services. Q: Problem: IrfanView fullscreen mode shows wrong image parts on Windows Fix: right mouse button click on IrfanView, Properties, Compatibility.
Q: How can I insert another image into the current image? A: First copy a picture which should be inserted to clipboard, e. In the Canvas dialog, set only the Bottom side method 1 , set the color for the new area. Hint: you can use the Batch dialog, Advanced options there is also Canvas and Text, with placeholders , to add caption and text to many images.
With this attribute you can set a name for the downloadable file:. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Force browser to download image files on click Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. Active 3 months ago.
Viewed k times. I need the browser to download the image files just as it does while clicking on an Excel sheet. Is there a way to do this using client-side programming only?
Peter Mortensen Amit Amit 1, 2 2 gold badges 9 9 silver badges 5 5 bronze badges. The download attribute. The best way of ensuring a file downloads is to set the content disposition on the serverside, most clientside solutions aren't that reliable.
Possible duplicate : stackoverflow. There is a similar question which is already answered for you: stackoverflow. Karl-Andre Gagnon : Please go thru it properply. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.
Using HTML5 you can add the attribute 'download' to your links. Leeroy 1, 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. Not fully supported in all browsers yet but it's a good solution if you don't care about IE or Safari. Thanks, for an HTML5 solution. How to still allow for 'save as' that let's me enter a file name before saving? ArjunChiddarwar No, that opens up security vulnerabilities imagine someone saving a malicious file directly into your Windows folder. The download path is based on the browser settings - for example by default Chrome will download to your downloads folder.
Thanks for the heads up on the cross-origin stuff.