Add newly downloaded song to media player Android Studio

MediaPlayer; import android. Bundle; import android. Activity; import android. Menu; import android. View; import android. We will open this method right here and we will return null for now, right? Later if we need it we will return what we need. We have to also override the getItemId method, so you can say public long getItemId. The parameter of these will be int position as well. Public view, import view library, then call getView.

The parameters of this method will be as follows;- the first one int position — the position of the view. You will call it parent. We will open this method and we have to, of course, return a view right here. First of all, we will check if convertView is null in order for us to initialize it. We will get the view and inflat it but before we do that, we have to actually create that view in code — in XML code actually.

So to do that we will go and open our res folder here at the left side of the screen. Then the layout folder. We will right click on the layout folder, then on new, and the layout resource file. In file name we will call it item and as root element we will put a text view because we will be displaying text, right?

Make sure you have item and text view, and then click in OK. As you can see the IDE generates this file for us. We will switch to the text mode right here, and we will modify these a bit. As you can see the width and height parameters are already set. For this case, I think it would be 20 sps something like that. Text size 20 SP. We can change that later, of course.

Padding left we will also set this to 16 DP which is great. As you can see the warnings are now gone. Now, what we will set the text color to will be black. We will go back to our main activity. If convertView is null what we will do is convert view equals to ayoutInflater. I will do it in the next line. Get the context. That will be the first parameter. You got to say convert view.

You got to go outside this getView method just here. The parameter, the first one would be the only one actually textview. We can go back to convertView. Now right here we will open parentheses after this ViewHolder definition.

Which is great. We have our item and our holder. We have to now set the text view. You can also get the first hour and forty minutes of the course completely for free on YouTube. Skip to content Hello and welcome to this new Android Development Tutorial. You have to copy your source file, then right-click on the raw directory and click paste.

Make sure that the new name contains all small alphabets. It is an inbuilt class in android package. Just add the name of the file. I have named my file as sound. It will start the song. This will pause the song. This function also deletes the object music , so we create a new object with the same name. MediaPlayer; import android.

If you need help setting up your software components, follow this video:. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In order to stop it , you have to exit this application from background activities.

Android - MediaPlayer Advertisements. Previous Page. Next Page. Previous Page Print Page. Save Close. Create a new folder under MediaPlayer with name as raw and place an mp3 music file in it with name as song.


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